Thursday, December 26, 2019

The Effect Of Background Music On Short Term Memory

The Effect of Background Music on Short Term Memory Jiayi Shi Arizona State University Abstract The intention of this study was to examine the relationship between the different types of background music and people’s abilities to memorize and retain information. There are 18 participants in the experiment. They were asked to memorize and recall the given word lists with different background music. The result indicates that it’s easier for the participants to memorize word lists while there was death metal as the background music. This finding suggests a relationship between different types of background music and people’s ability to memorize and retain information, such that people’s memorization perform better under the heavy distraction condition. The Effects of Background Music on Short Term Memory Music has been one of the main entertainment sources throughout the world, there are various kinds of music playing night and day, in every corner of the world: Pop, classical, rock etc... Some college students find it’s hard to study while there is background music, presenting another distraction. Yet, many students study while listening to music, and find it helps them to concentrate. Nowadays, most people believe that good academic achievement can bring them to a better life. As students’ study habits affect their success in schools, the question of whether or not listening to music affects students’ concentration or is just another distraction isShow MoreRelatedEffects of BackGround Music on Phonological Short-Term Memory983 Words   |  4 PagesOne’s emotional state or mood is important to consider when exploring memory, because mood affects one’s recall of information (Happiness-Levine Burgess, 1997; Thaut l’Etoile, 1993). Music, dep ending on the type, can help induce or change one’s mood (Rickard, 2012). This is important because, music is apart of many of people’s daily lives. Students, especially, listen to music while they study a task that relies on one’s memory. Beyond just exploring mood, this study wanted to look at what typeRead MoreThe Effect Of Music On Short Term Memory Essay998 Words   |  4 Pages The Effect of Music on Short Term Memory Jessie Eddins 12/12/16 Abstract. This experiment was tested to see whether music had an effect on short term memory. Listening to music while looking at objects will potentially distract the brain, no longer allowing it to hold the information viewed in short term memory. This experiment found that listening to music while taking in the information and listening to the same music while trying to recall the information hinders the brainsRead MoreShort Note On Short Term Memory Essay1663 Words   |  7 Pagesuse memory techniques in order to store a given information. Most studies have suggested; students resort to using short-memory as a tool in a last minute exam/quiz study session. Short-term memory is defined as a finite amount of information that can be temporarily stored and retrieved for up to 20 seconds. Short-term memory can also hold up to nine groups of stimuli in a given information (Weiten, Stalling, Wasden, 2007). Models that have been used in the past demonstrate that short-term memoryRead MoreEssay On Music Therapy1466 Words   |  6 PagesMusic Therapy to Be Used As as Treatment To Alleviate the Symptoms That Parallel Those Of ADHD Listening to and participating in musical processes strengthens cognitive processes. 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Many hospitals use music therapy to help treat their stroke patients, premature infants, those diagnosed with AlzheimerRead MoreT he Effect Of Classical Music On Short Term Memory2260 Words   |  10 Pageswas to measure the effect of classical music on short-term memory. The research hypothesis was that subjects would score significantly lower in a memory test of ten objects when listening to â€Å"The Flight of the Bumblebee† than the subjects listening to no music. In this experiment the design was repeated measures, meaning the participants took part in both the music and no-music conditions. The purpose of this was to prevent variables which may occur due to differences in memory abilities. The independentRead MoreExperimental Psychology Proposal1958 Words   |  8 PagesThe Effects of Genre of Music on Memory Retention Abstract The existing experiment was conducted to confirm the effects of genre of music on memory retention. With the knowledge that music does have an effect on human mind and body, background information and our previous experience with music gave us this hypothesis. Certain types of music are known to activate the left and right parts of the brain, which maximizes learning and aids in memory retention (Heathman,2011). Responses to musicRead MoreThe Mozart Effect Essay1461 Words   |  6 Pagesâ€Å"Mozart effect† is a believe that listening to music could enhance individuals’ intelligence, and therefore lead to better performance in various spheres, such as languages and arithmetics. There are researches pointed out that listening to music while tasks performance would result in significant boost of scores. The effect of listening to Mozart’s music on spatial seasoning was looked over in 1933 by Dr. Rauscher, three common tests about abstract spatial reasoning were g iven to the participantsRead MoreCan Preference for Background Music Mediate the Irrelevant Sound Effect?6367 Words   |  26 Pagesfor Background Music Mediate the Irrelevant Sound Effect? NICK PERHAM* and JOANNE VIZARD School of Psychology, University of Wales Institute Cardiff, Cardiff, UK Summary: Research suggests that listening to background music prior to task performance increases cognitive processes, such as attention and memory, through the mechanism of increasing arousal and positive mood. However, music preference has not been explored with regard to a more common and realistic scenario of concurrent music andRead MoreSuggestopedia1214 Words   |  5 PagesSuggestopedia Background It is also known as desuggestopedia. It was developed by the Bulgarian psychiatrist-educator Georgi Lozanov. It is a specific set of learner recommendations. Among the subliminal influences the fears of the learners that they will be unable to perform and are limited in terms of their ability to learn is the main issue Suggestopedia deals with. It is believed that due to those fears and some other possible negative effects such as the physical effects of the learning

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Feminist Theory Of Feminism - 1245 Words

Introduction How can we effect change in the world when only half of it is invited to feel welcome to participate in the conversation ( Watson, 2014). In the feminist perspective, which is an extension of feminism, there is support of equality for both women and men. Feminism is a belief that women and men have equal rights and opportunities. There are many different branches in the feminist perspective, one of the most interesting one is intersectional feminism. Intersectional feminism believes that experiences of class, gender, and race can not be adequately understood unless we understand that women of different races have different experiences. Women of color are told everyday how they have to fit in with the beauty norms that†¦show more content†¦This period was concurrent with the anti-war and civil rights movements. Still persistent issues that existed from the first wave carried on to the second wave. These issues regarded sexuality and reproductive rights (2005). The third wave of feminism started in the mid-1990’s and is referred to as a response to the perceived failures of the second wave. In the third wave we saw a new type of feminist. The new feminist rejected that the notion of lipstick, high heels and exposed low cut necklines, identified with male oppression. (Feminist and Intersectionality, 2017). The third wave of feminism also was the first to emphasize that feminism was more specific to the rights of white women, rather than women on minorities. Intersectional feminism is often times called black feminism. It was coined as a movement by Kimberlà © Crenshaw. The creation of this type of feminism was concurrent with the Civil Rights Movement. Crenshaw believed that the intersectionality experience of black women was far more powerful than the sum of their race and sex. She believed that observations that do not take intersectionality, fail to accurately address how black women are subordinate (DeFrancisco Palczewski, 2007). Intersectional feminism argues that gender, race and class are intersecting oppressions ( Jones e.t al, quoting Crenshaw, 2013). Intersectional feminism allows us to understand that while some women are subject to sexism, some women are greater affected becauseShow MoreRelatedFeminist Theory Of Feminism1121 Words   |  5 PagesAccording to Webster’s dictionary, feminism is defined as the theory of political, economic, and social equality of the sexes. In today’s modern world, no matter which end of the political spectrum a person is on, the term can invoke strong feelings - some of which have created a sense of shame or harm associated with the concept. These associations of wrongdoing and radicalism with the theory of feminism and its subsequent movement have existed long before the era of social media activism and selfies;Read MoreFeminist Theory Of Feminism1766 Words   |  8 Pages Feminism is a fight against oppression, but white supremacy exists within feminist movements, which is an obvious contradiction of the theory. â€Å"The feminist movement has centered on the experiences of White women and dismissed the experiences of Women of Color† (Feenstra, 2017, p. 67). In an article titled, From White Feminism to Intersectional Advocacy: The Development of a White Antiracist Identity, Abby Elizabeth Feenstra, a feminist illuminates her journey to becoming conscious of her whiteRead MoreFeminism : A Feminist Theory1301 Words   |  6 PagesWGS 3600: Feminist Theory Frankie Snyder and Jax McMillian Due: 12/10/2015 Feminism is gender liberation Feminism needs to be more broadly defined in terms of gender liberation to encompass individuals from all walks of genders (or nongenders). Separating gender nonconforming issues from feminism is erasive; marginalized gender nonconforming individuals should not be told to fend for themselves and their own rights due to a multitude of oppressions experienced by these individuals (based on the prejudicialRead MoreFeminism And The Feminist Theory Essay2030 Words   |  9 PagesThe feminist theory takes the motion of the feminist equal rights movement and transforms it into a theoretical study. This rather new approach explores the status of females and equality activists as well as their role in society relating to others. The feminist theory explains what is relevant to women and the women s movement as well as how definitions are changing over time, whether they are sociological, philosophical, or psychological (Grosz, 2010). As the gender gap closes in our societyRead MoreFeminism A nd The Feminist Theory1942 Words   |  8 Pages2015 Feminist Theory Research Paper Though feminism and the feminist theory are often construed as the same philosophy, the two are related, yet different concepts. Feminism is defined as, â€Å"the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes† (Merriam Webster Dictionary). In turn, a feminist is an individual who believes that men and women should be equal politically, economically, culturally, and socially (Definitions of Branches of Feminist). However, the feminist theory isRead MoreFeminist Theory Of Feminism1697 Words   |  7 Pagesno longer a surprise that gender equality continues to be a problem in our society. Although all feminists agree that it is a prominent issue, they have different ways of combating it. Some feminists agree with having a sex/gender distinction, which uses â€Å"sex† as the term to describe biological features and â€Å"gender† as the term to describe the social standings. Due to his distinction, many feminists believe that the social implica tions, or gender, needs to be changed to achieve equality. Two approachesRead MoreFeminism And The Postmodern Feminist Theory1596 Words   |  7 PagesThe evolution of feminist theory from a modern to a postmodern viewpoint stands to correct the injustices of historically liberal feminism. For some time, grand narratives have governed the ideas of self and gender from a single experience of â€Å"man†. Traditionally, modern feminism aimed to eradicate the hegemonic theory of inferiority by women to the male gender. Postmodern feminism aspires to eliminate categories of gender altogether, for the social construct of gender is considered to disregardRead MoreFeminist Theory : The Beginnings Of Feminism1571 Words   |  7 Pages The Beginnings of Feminism â€Å"Feminist theory is an attempt to bring in views from the movement and other female experiences along with research and data information to create new ways to putting an end to female oppression (Kolmar and Bartkowski 12).† Women of all time periods use feminist theory to collaborate together on their real life experiences to come up with ways to make women apart of everyday life. Throughout the different time periods, women have gained more and more power into societyRead MoreEssay on Feminism and Modern Feminist Theory1068 Words   |  5 Pages Feminism is a body of social theory and political movement primarily based on and motivated by the experiences of women. While generally providing a critique of social relations, many proponents of feminism also focus on analyzing gender inequality and the promotion of womens rights, interests, and issues. Feminist theory aims to understand the nature of gender inequality and focuses on gender politics, power relations and sexuality. Feminist political activism campaigns on issues such asRead MoreEssay Feminism and feminist social theory 1100 Words   |  5 PagesFeminism and feminist social theory unlike other theoretical perspectives is woman-centered and inter-disciplinary, hence promotes methods of achieving social justice. The feminism and feminist social theory takes into consideration three questions, what of the women? Why is the present social world as it is today? Additionally, how can the social world be changed to make it more just for the women and all people alike? In recent developments, feminist theorists have begun questioning the differences

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Two Tragic Hereos Are Better Than One (Medea/Jason) Essay Example For Students

Two Tragic Hereos Are Better Than One (Medea/Jason) Essay Two Tragic Heroes Are Better Than One In many Greek tragedies, there will be one tragic hero and one tragic hero only. However, in Euripides drama Medea there are two tragic heroes within one story. One of these heroes is who the play is titled after, Medea. The other tragic hero is Medeas ex-husband and father of her children, Jason. To be classified as a tragic hero, a character must present certain qualities such as, a royal status (king, queen, princess, prince etc. ), an extraordinary power (wisdom, compassion, strength etc. ), a fall from grace based on the heros own actions, and finally acceptance of their istake or mistakes. Medea and Jasons family history, impressionable characteristics, downward spiral caused by their own blunders, and their willingness to expect their wrongdoings in the end, portrays them both as tragic heroes. Medea is a powerful but vicious woman whose own actions cause her to fall from the pedestal that she has been living upon her whole life. She comes from a prestigious background as she is the daughter of King Ae? ©tes of Colchis. Not only is she a princess, Medea is also a sorceress. This allows her to use magical powers on herself and on others around her. Medeas downward spiral begins because of her attachment to Jason and her insistent need of extracting revenge against her former love. Her desire for Jason becomes so intense at one point that Medea ends up slaughtering and dismembering her own brother in order to allow Jason to escape from the king. Medea catering to Jasons needs before her own was Just the beginning of her downfall. Jason repaid Medea for her bravery by leaving her and their kids for another woman. This causes Medea to feel unwanted, embarrassed, and tremendously hurt so she concocts a scheme to obtain retribution on Jason. Her endeavor only intensifies her unenviable fate as Medea ends up executing Jasons new bride, the brides father, and her own two children. While Jason played a role in Medeas downfall, her own actions are what caused the final blow. Medea was the one to send the poison to the princess, knowing that it would kill her and possibly her father. The best method is the most direct, the one which I have a special skill- Ill murder them with poison (l. 452-5). Medea was the one who stabbed the sword through both of her childrens bodies, knowing it would kill them. IVe made up my ind, my friends. Ill do it- kill my children now, without delay, and flee this land. I must not hesitate (1. 1457-58). The reasoning behind Medeas murderous plot is simple, she felt Jason deserved to have everyone he loves taken away from him the way he took Medeas love, pride, and dignity. Medea also has self-knowledge of the situation and her actions. But Im treading an agonizing path, and send my children on one even worse (1. 1268-69). In this passage, Medea is having a conversation with herself debating whether or not to murder her children. This direct quote is Medeas ay of acknowledging that the path she has chosen for herself is not a simple one and the path she is forcing her children to follow is dangerous, awful, and unfortunate for them. In another instant, Medea struggles immensely with following tnrougn on actually commlttlng tne crime 0T executlon to ner cn110ren Dont play coward. Dont remember now how much you love them, how you gave them life. For this short day forget that they are your children- and mourn them later. Although you kill them, still you loved them (1. 1468-72). .u3f03dd361ae6b3b545ee48f9ae8d02e5 , .u3f03dd361ae6b3b545ee48f9ae8d02e5 .postImageUrl , .u3f03dd361ae6b3b545ee48f9ae8d02e5 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u3f03dd361ae6b3b545ee48f9ae8d02e5 , .u3f03dd361ae6b3b545ee48f9ae8d02e5:hover , .u3f03dd361ae6b3b545ee48f9ae8d02e5:visited , .u3f03dd361ae6b3b545ee48f9ae8d02e5:active { border:0!important; } .u3f03dd361ae6b3b545ee48f9ae8d02e5 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u3f03dd361ae6b3b545ee48f9ae8d02e5 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u3f03dd361ae6b3b545ee48f9ae8d02e5:active , .u3f03dd361ae6b3b545ee48f9ae8d02e5:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u3f03dd361ae6b3b545ee48f9ae8d02e5 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u3f03dd361ae6b3b545ee48f9ae8d02e5 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u3f03dd361ae6b3b545ee48f9ae8d02e5 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u3f03dd361ae6b3b545ee48f9ae8d02e5 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u3f03dd361ae6b3b545ee48f9ae8d02e5:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u3f03dd361ae6b3b545ee48f9ae8d02e5 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u3f03dd361ae6b3b545ee48f9ae8d02e5 .u3f03dd361ae6b3b545ee48f9ae8d02e5-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u3f03dd361ae6b3b545ee48f9ae8d02e5:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Gatsby EssayThis further proves that Medea has self- wareness of her crimes and that she accepts that what she is about to commit is wrong. However, even though Medea is aware that her actions are wrong, this does not change her mind and she ends up murdering her children anyways. Even though Medea has a king as a father, magical powers, and intelligence, her obsession with Jason leads her to her own tragic fate. While Jason has had to fight through hard times before, it is his own doing that leads him to his appalling destiny. Jason was the son of Aeson who was the king of lolcus, making Jason a prince. He started off ompanionate and even helped Hera who was disguised as an elderly woman cross a river. However, his compassion slowly dwindled after he met Medea. Soon after landing in Corinth, Jason left his wife and kids for a younger bride. However, Jason feels he did not commit this act out of spite for his old wife, but out of concern for her and their sons well-being. On the point that irks you, its not the case I hate our marriage bed, overcome with lust for some new bride, nor am I keen to rival other men in the number of many children (1. 658-62). The most important thing for us to o is to live well and not in poverty 1. 654-5). While Jason may have portrayed his actions as a sacrifice for his family, everyone else saw them as a despicable crime to commit against his wife and children. While Jason is arrogant, he did not fully deserve the punishment he received from the hands of Medea. He cared about his children even before Medea had slaughtered them by wanting to take care o f them and make sure they would help rule over Corinth one day. With the Gods help, IVe made a secure provision for you. At some future date, youll be leaders here, in Corinth, alongside your new brothers (1. 1075-78). He He also agrees to try to convince the king to keep the children out of exile. Medea tells him, mfou could tell your wife to ask her father not to send the children into exile. Jason responds by saying, A good idea. I think I can persuade her (1. 1107-09). At the end of the play, Jason shows his true colors towards his children as he starts to feel immense sorrow because of their death. How I wish Id never been a father and had to see you kill my children (1. 1681-82). This quote shows that Jason would rather be childless and not ave any chance of being able to carry on his family line than to witness his children get murdered. At least it was not my hand that killed them (1. 1625). Jason acknowledges in his own way that the death of his children is because of his actions on Medea, even though he does feel the blood belongs on Medeas hands alone. Both Medea and Jason are full of characteristics that make them tragic heroes. They both come from a royal background and possess some type extraordinary power, Medea being a sorceress and Jason being compassionate and clever. However, they both have acquired fatal flaws that end up creating their fate. Medea has too much compulsion for revenge on Jason that she ends up murdering her own children, and Jason becomes too blinded by the possibility of never ending riches that he trades one family in for another. If Medea did not seek revenge on Jason, she never would have needed to murder anyone or never would have been exiled from her country. If Jason did not leave Medea for someone else, she never would have tried to seek revenge on nvm ana Ill K tnelr cn110ren wnlle Jason ana Medea try to polnt Tlngers at each other for their downfalls, they both have themselves entirely to blame for their own demise.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Young Goodman Brown By Nathaniel Hawthorne Essays - Fiction

Young Goodman Brown By Nathaniel Hawthorne Conflicts "Young Goodman Brown" by Nathaniel Hawthorne is a story about revealing true evil and the loss of one man's faith. Nathaniel Hawthorne left "Young Goodman Brown" up for many interpretations. After reading the story a couple of times, one thing became clear to me. What I absorbed from this story was that evil exists in everyone, does not matter how good we may think we are. Things aren't always what they seem. I say this because the people who attended the devil's meetings, were the ones who attended church with him. The people whom he though were holy and Christian. These people were not holy at all. They were worshipping, praying, and obeying the devil. As Goodman Brown started his journey into the forest, he met an older man. The old man, "was about fifty years old, apparently in the same rank of life as Goodman Brown, and bearing a considerable resemblance to him, though perhaps more in expression than features" (DiYanni, 273). In Brown's ignorance, he does not realize that the one he is with is in fact the devil. This is shown when Brown asks a question in fear before meeting the old man, "There may be a devilish Indian behind every tree," said Goodman Brown to himself; and he glanced fearfully behind him, as he added, "What if the devil himself should be at my very elbow!" (DiYanni, 273). This to me is ironic because then, "His head being turned back, he passed a crook of the road, and looking forward again, beheld the figure of a man, in grave and decent attire, seated at the foot of an old tree. He arose at Goodman Brown's approach, and walked onward, side by side with him"(DiYassi, 273). Here Goodman Brown does not realize that the devil is, in fact, walking "side by side with him"(DiYassi,273). "Goodman Brown recognized a very pious and exemplary dame, who had taught him his catechism in youth, and was still his moral and spiritual advisor" (DiYassi, 275). This dames name was Goody Cloyse. When Brown sees that Goody Cloyse recognizes the old man and cries out, "the devil" (DiYassi, 275), he can't believe it. He now sees her as a "wretched old woman" (DiYassi, 276). Brown is feeling his loss of faith and tries to overcome this by saying, "What if a wretched old woman does choose to go to the devil, when I though she was going to heaven! Is that any reason to leave my dear Faith behind, and go after her?" (DiYassi, 276). Though Brown is disappointed, he has not yet lost his faith. Goodman Brown finds his faith disrupted, once again, when he observes the minister and deacon secretly from behind a tree. These two "holy men" (DiYanni, 276) are the two people that Brown admires; they are the spiritual leaders of the community. As Goodman Brown listens to their discussing the unholy meeting Brown becomes "faint and over-burthened with the heavy sickness of his heart" (DiYanni, 276). At this point he was in doubt of his faith, but in a struggle to keep his faith he says, "With heaven above, and Faith below, I will yet stand firm against the devil!" (DiYanni, 277). "Faith", Goodman Brown's wife, is his faith in God. Brown loses all faith in God, but he believes that he is better than everyone else. Showing his pride and ignorance. This was Goodman Brown's downfall. Critics tend to focus on different scenes from stories. This critic, Bert A.Mikosh, focuses on his view of "Young Goodman Brown". "The story "Young Goodman Brown" is about a man and his faith in himself, his wife, and the community they reside in. Goodman Brown must venture on a journey into the local forest refuse the temptation of the devil and return to the village before sunrise. The time era is approximately a generation after the time of the witch trials" (Mikosh). He leads on by saying, "The lead character is happy with the locals and his faith until this trip, when he is convinced they are all evil. Upon this discovery he, in a sense, becomes evil" (Mikosh). Bert continues in writing, "When Goodman comes back he thinks he is better than the rest and judges everyone instantly. He then comes to the conclusion that he is the only person that is not a devil worshiper. Just as before with the witch trials, he is judging then as the so-called witches were judged by his ancestors. A reference to Martha Carrier is

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

A Chronology of the Stone Age

A Chronology of the Stone Age The Stone Age in human prehistory also referred to as the Paleolithic Period, is the period between about 2.7 million and 10,000 years ago. Youll see different dates for the starting and ending dates of the Paleolithic periods, in part because were still learning about these ancient occurrences. The Paleolithic is the time when our species Homo sapiens,  developed into the human beings of today. The people who study the past of humans are called archaeologists. Archaeologists study the recent past of our planet and the evolution of physical human beings and their behaviors. Those archaeologists who study the very earliest human beings specialize in the Paleolithic; scientists who study the periods prior to the Paleolithic are paleontologists. The Paleolithic period begins in Africa with the earliest human-like behaviors of crude stone tool manufacture about 2.7 million years ago  and ends with the development of fully modern human hunting and gathering societies. Domestication of plants and animals marks the beginning of modern human society. Leaving Africa After decades of debate, the majority of scientists are now convinced that our earliest human ancestors evolved in Africa. In Europe, where humans finally arrived after about a million years in Africa, the Paleolithic was marked by a cycle of glacial and interglacial periods, during which time glaciers grew and shrank, covering massive portions of land and forcing a cycle of human depopulation and recolonization. Today scholars divide the Paleolithic into three categories, called Lower Paleolithic, Middle Paleolithic, and Upper Paleolithic in Europe and Asia; and Early Stone Age, Middle Stone Age and Later Stone Age in Africa. Lower Paleolithic (or Early Stone Age) about 2.7 million-300,000 years ago In Africa, where the earliest humans arose, the Early Stone Age begins some 2.7 million years ago, with the earliest stone tools recognized to date in the Olduvai Gorge of East Africa. These tools were simple fist-sized cores and whole flakes created by two ancient hominids (human ancestors), Paranthropus boisei and Homo habilis. The earliest hominids left Africa about 1.7 million years ago, arriving at sites such as Dmanisi in Georgia, where hominids (probably Homo erectus)  made stone tools suggestive of those from Africa. Human ancestors, as a group, are called  hominids. The species that evolved in the Lower Paleolithic include  Australopithecus,   Homo habilis,   Homo erectus,   and  Homo ergaster, among others.   Middle Paleolithic/Middle Stone Age (about 300,000-45,000 Years Ago) The Middle Paleolithic period (ca 300,000 to 45,000 years ago) witnessed the evolution of Neanderthals and the first anatomically and eventually behaviorally modern Homo sapiens. All of the living members of our species, Homo sapiens, are descended from a single population in Africa. During the Middle Paleolithic, H. sapiens first left from northern Africa to colonize the Levant between about 100,000-90,000 years ago, but those colonies failed. The earliest successful and permanent Homo sapiens occupations outside of Africa date to about 60,000 years ago. Achieving what scholars call behavioral modernity was a long, slow process, but some of the first glimmers arose in the Middle Paleolithic, such as the development of sophisticated stone tools, caring for the elderly, hunting and gathering, and some amount of symbolic or ritual behavior. Upper Paleolithic (Late Stone Age) 45,000-10,000 Years Ago By the Upper Paleolithic (45,000-10,000 years ago), the Neanderthals were in decline, and by 30,000 years ago, they were gone. Modern humans spread all over the planet, reaching the Sahul (Australia) about 50,000 years ago, mainland Asia about 28,000 years ago, and finally the Americas, about 16,000 years ago. The Upper Paleolithic is characterized by fully modern behaviors such as cave art, hunting a range of techniques including bows and arrows, and making a wide range of tools in stone, bone, ivory, and antler. Sources: Bar-Yosef O. 2008. ASIA, WEST - Palaeolithic Cultures. In: Pearsall DM, editor. Encyclopedia of Archaeology. New York: Academic Press. p 865-875. Close AE, and Minichillo T. 2007. ARCHAEOLOGICAL RECORDS - Global Expansion 300,000-8000 years ago, Africa. In: Elias SA, editor. Encyclopedia of Quaternary Science. Oxford: Elsevier. p 99-107. Harris JWK, Braun DR, and Pante M. 2007. ARCHAEOLOGICAL RECORDS - 2.7 MYR-300,000 years ago in Africa In: Elias SA, editor. Encyclopedia of Quaternary Science. Oxford: Elsevier. p 63-72. Marciniak A. 2008. EUROPE, CENTRAL AND EASTERN. In: Pearsall DM, editor. Encyclopedia of Archaeology. New York: Academic Press. p 1199-1210. McNabb J. 2007. ARCHAEOLOGICAL RECORDS - 1.9 MYR-300,000 years ago in Europe In: Elias SA, editor. Encyclopedia of Quaternary Science. Oxford: Elsevier. p 89-98. Petraglia MD, and Dennell R. 2007. ARCHAEOLOGICAL RECORDS - Global Expansion 300,000-8000 years ago, Asia In: Elias SA, editor. Encyclopedia of Quaternary Science. Oxford: Elsevier. p 107-118. Shen C. 2008. ASIA, EAST - China, Paleolithic Cultures. In: Pearsall DM, editor. Encyclopedia of Archaeology. New York: Academic Press. p 570-597.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Review of Forgot by Z-Chen †English Informal Essay

Review of Forgot by Z-Chen – English Informal Essay Free Online Research Papers Review of Forgot by Z-Chen English Informal Essay This is a song sung by a Malaysian male singer named Z-Chen. The song is in his first album â€Å"May I Love You?† released in 2002. The album also makes Z-Chen have the honor to compete â€Å"The Award of Golden Melody† in 2003. The first time when I heard this song in the album, I was surprised on the soft melody that gave me comfort and peace. What’s more, it was Z-Chen who composed this song. The lyric is also fabulous. It describes that a person can overcome everything such as age and time for love. And the love is so strong that the person can forget himself, even can forget to forget his lover. Title: Forget Not I holding you tight, inactive my hands are laid, How can I feel your heart? Not I listening to you, deaf my ears are laid, How can I perceive your heart? Love, which time cannot withhold. Tears flow in wrinkles like streams. Fly into the crowd and be bold. Say love you, I love you. I can forget your age, my body, And the air is not only used to breathe. I needn’t worry when all problems love is dealing with. I forget everything and to forget you. Research Papers on Review of "Forgot" by Z-Chen - English Informal EssayHip-Hop is ArtHonest Iagos Truth through DeceptionThe Project Managment Office SystemWhere Wild and West MeetStandardized TestingThe Spring and AutumnEffects of Television Violence on ChildrenHarry Potter and the Deathly Hallows EssayComparison: Letter from Birmingham and CritoPersonal Experience with Teen Pregnancy

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Reflection Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 5

Reflection Paper - Essay Example The baby did not get angry at all, and did not sleep since he did not produce the cooing voice. The baby simulator would not change the mind of teens about parenthood. The baby simulator just helps the teens to appreciate the duties and responsibilities that parents have. However, the simulator helps the teens in realizing that they are not in a position to take the responsibilities and pressures that the parents have. The memorable moment that I experienced with the baby was during the feeding moment when the baby got choked. I did not know any first aid to give to the baby, who made me to be very scared, but luckily, for me, it was not a serious matter. The baby recovered in time. Having the baby for 24 hours made me desire more about having a baby. I think being a parent is an enjoyable experience, but only when the baby is happy. It also keeps one on his or her toes since one knows he or she has a responsibility, which is to take care of the

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Investment on BHP Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Investment on BHP - Essay Example This tells us about the company's efficiency in using current assets as the ones that generate income. The stable cash flow from the years also tells us that the current liabilities are in control, which is within the limits of the company's assets and cash flows. The operational income of the company in the year 2005 is US$8.5billion. This gives reliable earnings per share. Due to the largest market capitalisation of the company one can recommend that not only investing he can hold the shares or debentures of the company for long time as the market capitalisation was being increased constantly from the past years. It is listed on LSE, Australian stock exchange, Johannesburg stock exchange and American Depository receipts listings and New York stock exchange. The Customer sector groups, to which the company gives more importance than its operations concentrate on Aluminium, Base Metals, Carbon Steel Materials, Energy Coal, Stainless Steel Materials, Petroleum, Diamonds and Specialty Products, At first let us examine the return/risk characteristics of the investment in the company, which is a indicator of past performance. The returns for the company are at a high stake as the company generated turnover of US$31.8 billion, earnings before interest and tax (EBIT) of US$9.3 billion, and net income was at US$6.5. The available cash flow after Accounts Payable was US$8.7. This implies that the net income of the company was almost 20% of the turnover which is a sound fundamental for any corporate entity. As the net income decides the future expansion, earning per share, available cash for the coming financial year, capacity to invest in new projects and R&D it is considered as a fundamental which assures return on the investment. The cash flow was just above the net income. This implies that the cash flow was in proportion to the assets of the company which tells us that the share price increase in the market can be justified. The fluctuation of the prices of the company's sha res were around 30% of the maximum price. The maximum price was 19$ and minimum price was around 12$ in 2005. This fluctuation and the maximum price, the share enjoys in the market can be justified due to the substantial percentage of net income and recorded growth of 29.5 percent in operational income of the company in 2005. The increase of operational income and net income of over 20% of the turnover implies good return for the investment and security for the money invested. The operational income, net profit, and earnings per share were growing continuously in the past years. The turnover in 2004 and 2005 is US$ 29649 million and 22887 million. The turnover was increased by almost 33 percent but the costs increased only from 17084 to 20697 which indicates good management of operational activities which control cost factor and thereby plays a key role in increasing the net income. The earnings per share had increased by more than 80 percent in 2005 when compared to 2004 earnings. The total current assets stand at staggering US$7822 million which is more than the net income of the company. It is considered as a sound fundamental as the current liabilities of the company were lesser amounting to US$7659 million. The total non current assets stand at US$34288million and total non current liabilities atUS$16087million. This tells us that the domination

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Columbine High School Essay Example for Free

Columbine High School Essay You are a sociologist who is interested in studying school violence. Describe how you might approach the study of this phenomenon as a functionalist, a conflict theorist and a symbolic interaction’. â€Å"Returning violence for violence multiplies violence, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.† Martin Luther King Jr. The problem we are facing today with violence in the schools is a major concern with communities everywhere. School violence has escalated from one-on-one weaponless fights for personal disagreements with said person; this is no longer the case. Due to the outward influences of media, video games, and society in general, this has escalated into all-out, deadly weapon assaults on innocent lives for reasons they themselves are usually unaware for example Columbine High School massacre and Montreal, Canada shooting. Sociologist; however have developed different approaches to evaluate the phenomenon through different perspective; functionalist, conflict theorist and symbolic integrationist, which would be aptly discussed in the proceeding paragraphs. Functionalist look at the implications of crime and control polices rather than directly trying to explain the causes of the behavior. According to Parson Model a social system consist of mutually dependant parts, parts contributing to functioning of system and moving equilibrium. However pertaining to the issue of school violence, I would, following the functionalist perspective look at school violence as way to return to stability within a society thus keeping proper balance . Therefore I would view it as a positive, because the disturbance (school violence) exists more dangerously it encourages the society to come up with better solutions to elevate the problem so it encourages progress. For examples the Columbine Massac with occurred lead to new ideas to combat school violence .A number of new programs were introduced, emphasis was placed on better parenting skills, keeping guns out of hands of kids ,better school security, more counseling programs and bett3er preventative measure, etc. When these methods were implemented no action to that extreme occurred within that society so their fore the youth violence was reduced and the society moved and the society in return became a better place and progress was made. Conflict perspective holds that stratification is dysfunctional and harmful in society, with inequality  perpetuated because it benefits the rich and powerful at the expense of the poor. A struggle for dominance among competing social groups (classes, genders, races, religions, etc.). When conflict theorists look at society, they see the social domination of subordinate groups through the power, authority, and coercion of dominant groups. As it results to school violence using the conflict theorist approach, I would say the violence will only exist at level of exploitation and unworthy or treated unfairly compared to other children they felt a level of inequality and they reacted in a way to gain power over the people who inflicted pain upon them. For example let’s take the Columbine shooting, according to the conflict theorist perspective say that the shootings were inevitable as the exploited, bullied kids eventually had enough and rose up against the bourgeoisie, or the kids that did the bullying. Eric Harris one of the boys who participated the shooting opened his journal with the words I hate the fing world. Showing high levels of hatred to which he portrayed, he wanted to get back at every one who did him wrong. After analyzing the two individual’s journals it was clear cut that they both had problem with society and somehow they did them something which infiltrated this hate for them. So we can see the reason for them to perform these atrocious acts were to gain a sense of dominances in their mind over these people. When doing the act we see the boys smiling while people were being hurting showing a sign of relief in their face and sense of happiness to them that they revenge to the world for inflicting so much of pain upon them. Analyzing them for a conflict theorist point of view I would say the reason for the boys committing suicide after was to get away from everything they already accomplished the goal they wanted so they decided to end their life what more is there to live for when victory was served? Symbolic integrationist view relies on the symbolic meaning that people develop and rely upon in the process of social interaction. Thus, society is thought to be socially constructed through human interpretation. Symbolic interaction view school violence as

Friday, November 15, 2019

Wealth and How Money Influences Peoples Lives Essay -- Wealth Money F

Wealth and How Money Influences People's Lives Some people generate an adequate living working for others, some do quite well, while many people don’t do well. It is estimated that less than 16% of Canadians have more than $100,000 in their retirement funds while 38% have less than $10,000. Using money to make money is more likely to generate success. Using assets to generate wealth is likely to generate financial success. This is the principle in whihc my group is is based upon. Kiyosaki explains money does not calm your fears when desire forces you to spend. You have to avoid the trap. Rich people often have a fear of losing it all. A job is a short term solution to a long term problem. You must master the power of money. When the donkey drags the cart with the carrot on a stick in front of him, the driver is getting where he wants. For the donkey it’s an illusion. What intensifies fear and desire is ignorance. To spend your life in fear and never exploring your dreams is cruel. Just as in my business of MJM Productions. Instead of looking at how much certain ventures will cost, we must look at the posibilities which will occur as a result of that venture. Money does not calm your fears when desire forces you to spend. You have to avoid the trap. Rich people often have a fear of losing it all. A job is a short term solution to a long term problem. You must master the power of money. When the donkey drags the cart with the carrot on a stick in front of him, the driver is getting where he wants. For the donkey it’s an illusion. What intensifies fear and desire is ignorance. To spend your life in fear and never exploring your dreams is cruel. Just as in my business of MJM Productions. Instead of looking at how much certain ventures will cost, we must look at the posibilities which will occur as a result of that venture. Therefore it is essential that the accumulation of money does not blind me and my cohorts from our prime objective of empowering ourselves. Choose your thoughts. Think long-term and ask yourself: "Is this the best possible solution to my problem?" There is an old expression that "I am too busy working to make money." When you are too busy, you miss many opportunities. You often go into a restaurant and see a lot of things done wrong. Why can’t the manager see these things? Because he is too busy working IN the business ... ...before you pay any other bills. Then you will be motivated to find the money to pay all the other bills. Look after number one. Choose friends carefully. The power of association. Learn from all of them, whether they have money or not. When I seek out people who have money, I am not after their money but their ideas. Don’t listen to poor or frightened people. Wise investors buy an investment when it’s not popular. They know their profits are made when they buy, not when they sell. You become what you study. So, if you are tired of what you are doing and not making enough money, change the formula. This was a key factor in creating a sucessful business. Only by having co-workers which are dependable will ones business flourish. Be an "Indian Giver". Put your money into an investment and when it goes up, take your money back out and do the same again. If you buy some stocks and they go up in price, sell enough to get your original investment back and repeat the process. Assets buy luxuries. When the asset is generating surplus cash flow, then you use that surplus to buy the luxuries. Or in terms of this project, 50% goin towards a college education instead of luxuries.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Crime and Gangster Films

The gangster genre rose in popularity during the 1930s and most historians locate the beginning of its classical phase at this time. The gangster films became an excellent system to exhibit cinema's sound capacities: ballistic machine gun fire, screeching tires and sharp streets electrified the screen. The rise also coincided with historical conditions of Prohibition, such as notorious real gangsters, like Al Capone, and violent outbreak, such as the St. Valentine's Day Massacre in 1929. They are developed around the malignant actions of Gangsters such as bank robbers, underworld bosses, or ruthless criminals who disobey the law, violently murdering and stealing their way through life. Gangster stories often highlight the life of a gangster figure or victims of the gangster. They sometimes also portray the rise and fall of gangsters through their personal power struggle and conflict with the law, or competing gangsters. Headline-grabbing situations, real-life gangsters, or crime news have often been used in crime films. Gangster/crime films are usually set in large, jam-packed cities, to provide a view of the covert world of the gangster: contraband, dark nightclubs or streets with flashy neon signs, super cars, tons of cash, bars, run down homes or boarding houses. Unusual locations for crimes often add an element of adventure and wealth. Writers conjured up appropriate gangland lingo for the tales, such as â€Å"tommy guns† or â€Å"molls. † Film gangsters are usually selfish, street-smart, corrupt, and self-destructive. Rivalry with other criminals in gangster warfare is often a significant plot characteristic. Crime plots also include questions such as how the criminal will be seized by police, detectives, special agents or legal authorities, or mysteries such as who stole the valued object. They rise to power with a tough cruel facade while showing an ambitious desire for success and recognition, but underneath they can express sensitivity and gentleness. Howard Hawk's Scarface: The Shame of A Nation was a brutal film in the crime genre. The star was Paul Muni as a hoodlum in the Prohibition-Era Chicago. The film depicted twenty eight deaths and was the first movie to use a machine gun. This violent production caught the attention of the Hays Code. Ultimately, the debate lead to the new Hays Production Code which censored such violent acts in films. After this censoring, the focus went more on the good side of the law. They glorified the cops, federal agent, and detectives, while putting a gray shade on them as though they were good gangsters. They would use brutal methods to capture criminals. The end of the Second World War and the loosening of censor codes gave the blood and violence back to the crime and gangster genre. Arthur Penn’s Bonnie and Clyde set new standards for violent behavior. The film’s graphic finale showed the very sadistic end of the gangster lovers. Directors also took a new take on the expected image of the gangsters. The Mafia had taken over and gangster films were never the same. If the 1930s were about the rise and fall of the gangster, the 1970s Mafia were about the rise and continuous rise of the Mafia family. The American dream had been achieved by the previous ‘losers’. Francis Ford Coppola’s directed Mario Puzzo’s bestselling novel The Godfather, The Godfather Part II, and eventually The Godfather Part III. It was a classic particularly in its rich portrayal of the Mafia family. The films showed a different side of the gangland as a tightly knit family that is run more like a business than a vague operation. Other 1970s films showed the other side of the force in the violent and abusive tactics of the detectives trying to catch criminals. Clint Eastwood starred as the detective known as â€Å"Dirty† Harry Callahan who took down criminals with an over-sized Magnum. Gangster stories are a barometer of our society. Although, we try desperately to ignore the dark side to what we wish to be a civilized society, gangster and crime films show us the thinness of that civility. . Gangsters and criminals, and the way we portray them on film, show how we are really close to that beast inside.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

The Effect of Macro Economic Policy on Nigerian Economics Growth and Development

This research work focus on the appraisal of Macroeconomic Policy on Inflation in Nigerian Economy, also to determine how it enhances the growth of Nigerian Economy. The aim of this research work is to look into challenges and numbers of hypothesis were drawn. Information necessary to address the test of hypothesis was gathered through secondary data, source from Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN). Economic analysis was used to formulate the three (3) models that were stated in this research work.Multiple regressions were also used to test the appraisal of Macroeconomic Policy on Inflation in Nigerian Economy. The findings of this research show that macro-economic policy as a tool for Economic Policy and Growth as a Positive Effect on the Growth in Nigeria. In conclusion, government should ensure that operational problems are tackled prior to sale so that there would not be any barrier hindering the high degree of efficiency that is associated with the stability of the Nigerian economy.Ov er the years, Nigeria has made conscious and determined efforts to attain a high level of social and economic transformation of the economy in order to attain the development goals and including monetary policy, fiscal, policy, exchange control measures and income and price control. The measures adopted were changed from time to time to reflect the changing economic environment and circumstances. This work focuses on two of the policies adopted (monetary and fiscal policy) and examines their uses for economic growth and stability in Nigeria.Since the main burden of aggregate economic policy must fall on either monetary policy and fiscal policy or a combination of both. The question arises as to whether to clear cut distinction can be made between policies which are termed â€Å"MONETARY† are those which are to be called â€Å"FISCAL† The truth is that considerable ambiguity about these terms exist and this often leads to useless debate and confusion. However, monetary policy can be as a measure which deals with the discretionary control of money supply by the monetary authorities with a view of achieving stated economic objectives.In other words, it employs the use of variation in the money supply to achieve economic objectives. Fiscal policy on the other hand may be defined as the policy pursued by a government to influenced economics activities in economy by changing the size and content of taxation, expenditure and public debt with a view to achieving given objective. Although, there two policies are independent tools of economics stabilization, they are often combined by most countries for a greater effect on the economy. Monetary and Fiscal policies as adopted in Nigeria have four broad objectives.The objectives include: ¬ †¢Maintenance of relative stability in domestic price †¢Attainment of a high and sustainable rate of economic development †¢Maintenance of balance of payment equilibrium growth and stability are so closely related that the economic policy o the government should include both of them. Economic growth may be judges from the growth it total output of the economy as measured by annual increases in net national prod, ct in constant price. Such a measure tells us how much bigger the total economy is becoming over a period of time, but it tells nothing about changes in the standard of living of the people in the economy.The more significant measures in the growth in real net national product divided by the number of people in the population. There are many targets of economic growth and development. They include. †¢Income distribution Gross national product Sectoral development (such as agriculture industries etc) †¢The pressure to attain economic stability or our economic is so strong that measures to promote federal government t fidget. †¢To achieve the maximum practicable rate of growth, d is necessary to have stability. This does not mean a perfectly smooth rate of growth , but one that is not interrupted by recessions and depression. Stabilization policies that are usually released annually concerns attempts to stabilize the level of national income by ensuring that serious inflationary and deflationary gaps do not persist so that something close to full employment without rapid inflation can be achieved. The government uses the instruments of monetary and fiscal policies to influence economic growth and development. The instrument of monetary policy available to the Nigeria monetary authorities include: †¢Rediscount rate †¢Interest rate structure †¢Reserve requirement †¢Direct credit control †¢Exchange rate and †¢Moral suasionSome of the Fiscal policies relating to economy a growth and stability in Nigeria include: tax incentives (capital allowance, income tax relief, reconstruction tax exemption etc. relief from import duties, tariffs measures and budgetary measures. The government uses the instruments in achieving ec onomic growth and stability. 1. 2STATEMENT OF PROBLEM This study is basically aimed at -Has there been effort to study the monetary and fiscal policies used by the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) in achieving economic growth and stability. -The ability to access the effectiveness of monetary and fiscal policies. Has there been recommendation to correct observed mistake by (CBN). If done, this will enable the monetary authorities to make optimal use of various monetary and fiscal tools at their disposal for rapid economic growth and stability. 1. 3AIM AND OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY The general aim of this study is to examine the real problem of macroeconomic policy in Nigeria and propose some stabilization policies. While specific objectives are: 1. To study the monetary and fiscal policies; used by the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) in achieving economic growth and stability. 2.To asses the effectiveness of monetary and fiscal policies 3. To make recommendation to correct observed mistake by the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) this will enable the monetary authorities to make optimal use of the various monetary and fiscal tool at their disposal for rapid economic growth and stability. 1. 4RESEARCH QUESTION Can monetary and fiscal policy be used as a tool to achieve economic growth? Could monetary and fiscal policy assess the effectiveness of monetary and credit policies? Does the policies of the Central Bank useful to achieve rapid economic growth and stability? 1. 5THE STATEMENT OF HYPOTHESISHYPOTHESIS 1 Ho-The monetary and fiscal policy, does not achieve economic growth and stability. HA-The monetary and fiscal policy achieve economic growth and stability. HYPOTHESIS 2 Ho-The effectiveness of monetary and credit policies could not be assess using the monetary an I fiscal policy. HA-The assess of effectiveness of monetary and credit policies will attain using monetary and fiscal policy. HYPOTHESIS 3. Ho-The observed mistake corrected by CBN could not be use to attain economic growth and stat lily. HA-Will correct the CBN from observed mistake so as to achieve rapid economic growth and stability. 1. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY The research work will make use of secondary data obtained from various institution and publication. The data will be obtained from Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) Federal Office of Statistics (FOS), various publications from local and inter rational journal. The research work would be tested using regression analysis especially ordinary last square method will be used in construction the model. 1. 7 SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY It is hope that this research work will be practically and theoretical significant to the household, firm and government and for the improvement of the whole economy.There is no doubt that this study will benefit quit a number of people especially units involved. 1. 8 THE SCOPE AND LIMITATION OF STUDY This study macro economic tools measure under the period of Structural Adjustment Programme (SAP) and mid seve nty's (70's) (1978-2006) also in examining our effective and efficient the macro economic tools measures have change in the economy s nee 1970's only the activities of commercial, merchant, special banks and central bank will be used. This will be done through looking into the financial indicators in the economy. -The number of banks in operation Money stock in the economy Growth of credit allocation Banks loan and advances Growth of bank loans and advances Average interest rate (%) A detail of this is in the date analysis which should be treated in further study. Most of the information and data used was collected mostly from Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) through their annual reports bulleting and statement of account. This study shall be carried out exclusively in relation to the Nigeria economy. This study as comprehensive as possible except for some constraints encountered during the course of study.There was a problem of time limit for the completion of the work. The regroup an d hectic academic programmes which coincides with exams and period of the study or research was impediment. Inadequacy of data was also major constraint other limitations of the study are time period under study and lack of current year data. 1. 9ORGANISATION OF THE STUDY The project is structured into five chapters: Chapter One dealt with the introduction which includes brief description of Nigerian Economy, Area of merger in the economy, Relevant and Significance of the study, Definition of terms, Scope and Limitations.Chapter Two is mainly the Literature Review and Theoretical Frame Work of the study, the meaning and definition of Merger, motives of Merger and Acquisition, Merger game and the effect on the economy. Chapter Three based on the research method this include method of data collection, hypothesis to be tested and the statistical tools that are to be used. Chapter Four dealt with the research methodology, data preparation and analysis. Chapter Five is the Summary, Recom mendation and Conclusion of the research study. 1. 10DEFINITION OF TERMS 1.Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN): As he only financial institution established and charged with the day of day management and control of the nation's monetary affairs, the supervision and co-ordination of banking and financial activities of the cc entry. 2. Monetary Policy: Can be described as measures that deal with the discretionary control of money supply try monetary authorities with a view to achieving stated economic objective. 3. Fiscal Policy: Can be desirable as the policy pursued by the government to influence economic activities in an economy. . IS CURVE: This is the locus of point r to of combinations of various level of rate interest (r) and the level of income (Y) that yields equilibrium in this product market. 5. LM CURVE: This is the locus of various combination of interest rates and level of income that brigs about equilibrium. CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW 2. 1MEANING AND OBJECTIVE OF FISCAL AN D MONETARY POLICIES Generally, fiscal policy is one of the many policies that are use by the government to influence economic activity of a country at a particular period.This policy involves the control of taxes and government expenditure. It is often called â€Å"power of the purse† instrument and it is design to effectuate changes in output and employment level to the desired standard especially in mixed and free market economies. Aigbokhan (1995) in his book defines fiscal policy as the use of government spending to influence economic outcome through taxation and expenditure or various forms of expenditure so government is directly spending.Fiscal policy like other government policies derives it meaning and direction from the goals and aspirations of the society within which it operate and the people whom it serves pursuits of the goals and aspirations in turn involves the acceptance of the following objective of the and budgetary policy. †¢To make available for econ omic development of the maximum flow with human and material resources consisting with minimum current consumption requirement. †¢To maintain reasonable economic stability in the face of long run inflationary pressure and short term international price movements. To reduce where they exist, the extreme inequalities in which income and consumption standard. Fiscal policy plays an important role in less developed countries (LDCS) because the less per capital income and which lead to government controlling the economic activities because of the condition of the economy. Baunsgaard (2004) observes that fiscal policy in oil producing countries can be profoundly affected by oil revenue uncertainties and volatility. Policy formulation should factor in the exhaustibility of the natural resources and aim at reducing oil revenue volatility passed to the economy.Past fiscal policy in Nigeria has not been successful in this regard. Since both revenue and expenditure have been highly volati le to a large extent reflecting oil price level. On the other hand monetary policy refers to the combination of measure design to regulate the values, supply and cost of money in an economy in consonance with the level of economic activity. Enoma (2002) in his book pin point's monetary policy at controlling supply of money so as to counteract all undesirable trends in an economy may include disequilibrium in the balance of payment.In the same view, Soludo (2005) define â€Å"monetary policy action as any careful or conscious action undertaken by the monetary authority to change the quality, the availability and the cost of money in an economy to achieve a set objective†. There is a consensus of opinion that monetary policy is a policy which aims at influencing economic activities by variation in the supply of money availability of credit and/or in interest rate. In the formulation of monetary policy therefore some attention has to be given to the attainment of these major goa ls of macro economic policy. -Maintenance of high rate employment Maintenance of relative stability in prices -Achievement of high and sustainable rate of economic development -Maintenance of balance of payment equilibriumIn sum, the paramount of embrace objectives of monetary policy could be said to be stable economic growth. However as the foregoing discussions makes clear, the major role of monetary policy in making domestic and external sector stability and thereby creating the macro economics conditions for long term growth. The techniques (tools) by which the monetary authorities tries to achieve the above objective can be classifies broadly into two main categories. a)The direct or portfolio control approach (b)The indirect or market intervention Under a system of direct monetary control, the monetary authority uses some criteria to determine monetary and credit targets and interest rate which are intermediate target to attempt to achieve that ultimate objective of policy. On the other hand, the indirect monetary controls due to the intermediate variables, particularly the market is left to determine investment and credit allocation. It is the attempt to manipulate these policy tools that essentially constitute conscious effort on the part of the authority to regulate the national economy.These tools are as follows:  ¬ (a)Open market operation (b)Cash reserve requirement (c)Liquidity ratios (d)Stabilization securities (e)Discount window operation (f)Moral suasion OPEN MARKET OPERATION (OMO):- it involves discretionary power of the central bank to purchase or sell securities in the financial market in order to; influence the volume of liquidity and levels of interest rate which ultimately will affect money supply. When central bank purchases instruments, it infects money into the economy and bank ability to expand, credit is enhanced and vice versa.CASH RESERVE REQUIREMENT: – Cash reserve requirement are used to complement the operations of OMO. They are fixed as a proportion of bank deposits liabilities require to be deposited with the central bank. They are particularly effective for sterilizing excess liquidity in the banking system and also can be easily monitored on a day basis because they are held by the central bank. LIQUIDITY RATIOS: – liquidity ratios are computed as a proportion of commercial and merchant banks current liabilities such as deposit liabilities, short term inter bank town net balance with foreign branches, and bank free balance with the central bank.Government debts instrument with a maturity of less than eighteen months. Liquidity ratio is used to complement OMO and it is potentially strong tool for restraining credit expansion. STABILIZATION SECURITIES: – Although the use of stabilization securities as an instrument of monetary policy is been de-emphasized essentially because policy has gradually shifted towards indirect control. This instrument of monetary control has been found to be inconsistent with the general philosophy of guided deregulation, although in the past, it had been very supportive of monetary policy.DISCOUNT WINDOW OPERATIONS:- The main goal of discount window operation is to provide collateralized overnight accommodation to discount house as well as banks that could not obtain funds on reasonable terms of discount and/or in the inter bank market. MORAL SUASION: – This is regarded as a special appeal to banks by central banks. It plays useful role in monetary management as a supplementary tool. It enables close and constant interaction between market operations and central bank such interactions promotes understanding and engender mutual confidence between the central bank and the players in the country's financial market. 2. ISSUES IN FISCAL AND MONETARY POLICIES In Nigeria monetary and fiscal policies have been implemented with the aim of achieving sustained economic growth, price stability and balance of payment viability. Utomi (20 05) expresses his own view on monetary control following the Soludo solution on the use of effective monetary policy in 2006 by arguing that monetary restraints reduces the availability of credit and increases its interest cost, it was retarding the flow of expenditures, output and employment and incomes. While monetary case makes credit more available and reduces its interest cost and thus encourages an expansion in these flow.However, a change in monetary policy may take the form of positive actions such as open market sales, increase in required reserve ratios or increase in discount rates which a policy of monetary ease to stimulate the expansion of expenditure will operate through the same process as are restrictive policy but in the reserved direction, such an expansive policy still tend to increase returns on treasury security to improve liquidity of banks to enhance wealth position of all holders of financial assets and to increase money supply.Soludo (2006) in an interview titled my vision for Nigerian banks recognize the expectation of the economy, Soludo said, â€Å"Money capital market should be expanded with the level that is consistent with the economy. To achieve this there should be a refocus more on the monetary function, if it possible to outsource the supervisions of banks†. Duesenberry (1964) argues that some people would like to rely or monetary policy as the primary instrument for controlling aggregate demand.In fact, some would like to see policy decision which influence demand taken out of the political arena while others would like to find a way to disconnect decisions about taxes and expenditures from the issues of employment and inflation. He further explained that fiscal and monetary policies in terms of an annually balanced budget or at least a balanced budget at a full employment level of income would then be possible. This is base on the fact that, monetary policy of a country is directed towards maintaining the right amou nt of money i. . amount of money which will enable stable prices to be maintained and full employment to be shared without introducing balance of payment problems into the economy. Besides, some critics have attached the assumptions of flexibility in monetary policies. They recognized that it takes much less time to put monetary policy into operation than it does in fiscal policy. They propose that it takes longer for monetary measures to take hold, while fiscal policy on the other hand has a direct and powerful impact upon the income stream.Contrarily, monetary policy's first impact is on the asset structure and only through its effect on this structure does it indirectly and with some days affect the income stream, thus heavy use of monetary policy lead to instability in financial markets, while the resulting fluctuations in security or bonds prices may run over it, a general fluctuation in monetary activity Siegel (1965). In addition, monetary policy is more effective in checking off boom condition than in generating recovering from recession condition.If commercial banks reserves are under pressure from market serving operation coupled with a high discount rate and if investment is also largely financed by extension of bank credit, then further construction action by the Federal Reserve will cut deeply into the expenditure circuit and slow down or stop the expansion of the economy. Monetary policy appears to be of limited effectiveness in promoting the high level of employment and high growth rate objective but the economic growth can be best approached through the use of fiscal policy.In fact these few object are naturally re-enforcing rapid economic growth requires a high level of employment and full employment encourages the introduction of labour saving capital goods. Thus fiscal policy contributes directly to both employment and economic growth by increasing gross expenditure to maintain gross domestic product aggregate output level, Baunsgarrd (2004) . He further emphasize that fiscal policy in oil producing countries can be profoundly affected by oil revenue uncertainty and volatility, policy formulation should factor in the xhaustibility of the natural resources and aim at reducing oil revenue volatility passed to the economy. However he painted out that past fiscal policy in Nigeria has not been successful in this regard since both revenue and expenditure have been highly volatile to a large extent reflecting oil prices level. Furthermore, Aigbokhan (1995) argues that in showing the relative effectiveness of monetary and fiscal policy, there is an issue which has engaged the attention of economist for decades that of the relative effectiveness of pure monetary policy and pure fiscal policy in influencing economic activities.Pure monetary policy refers to the change in nominal money supply leaving government or taxes unchanged while pure fiscal policy is one which there are changes in government expenditure or taxes leaving no minal monetary supply unchanged. 2. 3KEYNES DEBATE ON MONETARY AND FISCAL POLICIES Keynes versus monetarist debate gives conflicting advice to government on the role and effectiveness of monetary policy.The Keynesian argue that the interest rate is the most important variable as a tool for the monetary authorities to control the economy, so they argue that monetary policy should be subsidiary to fiscal policy on the other hand, the monetarist argues that a steady growth in the money supply is the best policy to follow and that monetary policy's directed to control money supply is one paramount important. Milton Friedman believes that monetary policy cannot be use to achieve an unemployment which is lower than the natural rate of unemployment.While the Keynesian view argued that monetary policy should be directed at interest rate rather than money supply and that monetary policy should at all times be subsidiary to fiscal policy. The monetarist argued and recommended that control of money supply should be the major concern of the monetary authorities. The general instruments of activist policy are taxes, government spending and the money supply; activist policy can be classified as either monetary or fiscal policy.Keynes (1958) made changes in the long term rate of interest, the main instrument of monetary policy rather than changes in short term rates, he argued that the demand for working capital was insensitive to changes in short term interest rates but that the demand for fixed capital was responsive to changes in the long term rate of interest. Monetary policy is the deliberate control of the money supply and in some case, current condition for the purpose of achieving macro economic goals.Conversely, fiscal policy is the deliberate control of federal government spending and taxes structure and the determination of the volume of tax revenue such explicit purpose of attaining one or more specific objective such as full employment. The income and expenditur e models pioneered by Keynes, view the role of money much differently from the classical quantity theory. He also viewed the link between money supply and desired aggregate expenditure in a different light. He rejected the two classical notions of fixed velocity and full employment.In the Keynes model, monetary policy affects output indirectly through interest rate. Keynes defined fiscal policy as the deliberate use of government spending and taxes to achieve macro economic goal. Although, the federal government account for 44 percent of total (federal, state and local) government revenue and for 39 percent of total government expenditure fiscal policy is conducted through federal budget. In the Keynesian model, the link between increase in government spending and aggregated expenditure is vary directly.Keynes believes that during the 1980s, the world capitalist economies indeed reach equilibrium position but high level of unemployment made this position socially unacceptable. His f iscal policy is based on the premises that demand should be manipulated to ensure that the economy achieves an equilibrium level of income and output which is socially desirable. Although, Keynes rule out other possible sources for increase spending, leaving only government intervention as a dependable solutions to the problem. 2. THE IMPACT OF MONETARY AND FISCAL POLICIES ON THE NIGERIAN ECONOMY The public demand for money balances to hold depends on the level of income and the interest rate of money substituted. The higher the income the public has, the larger will be the money balances is wishes to hold, other things been equal, the higher the interest rate on money substitutes the lower will be the money balances it wishes to hold because higher interest rate will induce people to transfer more of their assets out of money (which yield on interest into securities or other asset which do yield interest).Besides, Imala (2003) emphasizes on the impact of monetary restriction. He ar gued that when banks excess reserves are squeezed, the prices they charge on credit, that is the interest rate are raised, but the lower the level of investment as well as gross domestic product, while the product market decreases. He further agues that credit become higher as interest rate rise, investors and consumers tries to avoid the pinch by reducing their money balances to the barest minimum needed to carry on their transactions and meet precautionary needs.He further argued that rationing of credit reduces the availability of credit and a quick effect in limiting business expansion than they do on higher interest rate while banks sells off part of their government securities to loans and limited by the volumes of securities the bank already have and falling government bond prices in many banks try to sell at once in the capital market.However, a balanced budget seems appropriate when we are satisfied with the existing level of government autonomous expenditure roughly doing, the period of full employment without inflation (A balance budget policy is neutrals government policy that feeds back into the income stream just raise it withdrawal). In fact to avoid the deficit, the annual budget balance raise tax rate to get more money or reduces spending to match reduced tad receipt. If we therefore, believe that the government ought to be trying to expand total expenditure in credit to check the recession, the balance budget prescription to Nigeria economy is quite wrong.Similarly, inflation would generate a budget surplus calling for tax reduction and increase spending to avoid a budget surplus under an annually balance budget policy, this seems clearly than wrong prescription to stabilization purpose because it would speed the inflation ratio than cheating it in Nigeria economy. It should be well noted that the basic framework for stabilizing fiscal policy through government surpluses and deficit is simple and appealing if it is ascertained that the respon sibility of government is to provide economic stabilization for the nation.The larger the excess of government expenditure over tax receipt (the larger the deficit) the stronger will be the expansionary effect of government fiscal policy. Other things been equal conversely, the larger the excess of tax receipt over expenditure (the large the surpluses) the more deflationary governments fiscal policy. Some economist believes that when we want the government to exert strong expansionary pressure on national income a substantial government deficit is desirable. CHAPTER THREE THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK 3. THE THEORIES OF MONETARY AND FISCAL POLICIES Classical economist argues the importance of money as a determinant of aggregate demand. Their views on fiscal policy were less unanimous. During the great depression of the 1930s some of them recommended substantial increase in government spending as a way of increasing demand, output and employment others were quite skeptical about the effect o f fiscal policy. The evidence provides little comfort for extreme Keynesians who focus their attention on fiscal policy and dismiss monetary policy as a mirage and a delusion.And it provide little support to the rigid monetarist who see the quantity of money playing a predominant role in the determination of aggregate demand irrespective of what is happening to fiscal policy. We cannot count with any degree of certainty on the use of fiscal policy alone or monetary policy alone, there is a strong case to be made for using a combined strategy of monetary and fiscal expansions to combat recessions and a combined strategy of monetary and fiscal restraint to fight inflation.By not putting all our eggs in one basket, we may reduce the uncertainty we would face if we were to rely exclusively on either monetary policy or fiscal. Furthermore, there are other reasons for favouring a combination of monetary fiscal strategy. During a boom in aggregate demand, restrictive steps are desirable bu t restrictive actions are painful. When the government increases expenditure or cuts, taxes, deficit will rise thus money will be needed to cover this deficit and which can be borrowed in the financial market. This additional borrowing tends to push up the interest rate.A higher interest rate on the other hand causes a movement along the marginal efficiency of investment (MEI) curve, investment decreases. D D Source: B. O. Iganige Figure 1: The effect of crowding out: The monetarist view This is little question that some crowing out take place, the issue is how strong the investment demand is relatively unresponsive to interest rates and that not must crowding of investments take place. Consequently fiscal policy is a powerful tool for controlling aggregated demand (and monetary policy is weak).Monetarist on the other hand, generally believe that MEI curve is relatively flat as shown in figure 1 and that deficit spending by the government tends to crowd out a relatively large amount of private investment. In casting doubt on the effectiveness of fiscal policy, monetarists make one important qualification. If the government deficit on demand by issuing new fiscal policy will have a powerful effect on demand, but monetarist attribute this effect to a changes in the money stocks, not the government deficit itself. They see pure fiscal policy as having little influence on demand.Pure fiscal policy involves a change in government spending or tax rate unaccompanied by any change in the rate of growth of the money stock. 3. 2 THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN MONETARY AND FISCAL POLICIES THE IS-LM FRAMEWORK The economic environment that guided monetary policy before 1986 was characterized by the growing importance of the oil sector, the expanding role of the public sector in the economy and over dependence of the external sector. Hicks (1937) combined the classical and the Keynesian analyses to derive the IS-LM schedules.In a simple term the IS-LM framework refers to the locu s of all pairs of income and interest rates for which both the expenditure and monetary sectors are simultaneously in equilibrium. The IS-LM framework lays emphasis on the interaction between the output or expenditure market represented by the IS and money market represented by the LM. In this framework, spending interest rates and income are jointly determined by the equilibrium in both markets. Income Interest rate Fiscal PolicyMonetary Policy (LM) Source: B. O. Iganiga (macro economics concepts) Figure 2: The Structure of the IS-LMIn the framework, higher income raises money demand and thus link interest rate. Higher interest rate lower spending and thus income, thus the only factor that make the economy to move round is income and interest rate. However, simultaneous equilibrium in the expenditure market and money market exist at only one output level and one interest rate i. e. ye and re. At that point planned savings plus government expenditure and the stock of money in existe nce is equal to the stock of money demanded. The interest rate (r0) and income level (YO) represent the only point at which the two equilibria are satisfied simultaneously.Other interest rates and output levels represent disequilibrium in one or both markets. r0 r1 Source: B. O. Iganiga (Macro economics concepts, theories and application Figure 3 Equilibrium at IS-LM Intersection In figure 3, at interest r1 there is equilibrium in the money market at output Y1 but in the expenditure market at output Y2. Simultaneous equilibrium only exist only at point E0 with interest rate of (r0) and output of (Ye) summarily, figure 3 shows the relationship between money supply, government expenditure and interest rate.In order to maintain price stability and a wealthy balance of payment position, monetary management depend on the use of direct monetary instrument such as credit ceiling, selective credit controls, administered interest, exchange rate as well as the prescription of cash reserve req uirement and special deposits. The use of market based instrument was not feasible due to the under ¬developed nature of the financial market and the deliberate restraint on interest rates. The expenditure market (Is) illustrating the effect of interest rate alone in shifting the aggregate demand schedule.The position of the IS curve depends on the marginal efficacy of investment (MEI) curve. Shift in either or both will cause a shift is IS curve. Therefore example could be a shift in MEI due to technical progress. Net investment will increase at all level of interest rate. Changes in government expenditure or taxation could bring about a change in this schedule. 3. 3MATHEMATICAL AND GRAPHICAL DERIVATION OF IS-LM SCHEDULE Mathematical Derivation For Is Curve Y= C+ I —————————————— (1) C= Co + CY———————————â⠂¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€ (2) I= I0-Ir —————————————— (3)Y= Co + CY+ Io-Ir ——————————- (4) (Y-CY)= Co + Io-Ir —————————— (5) Y (1-C) = Co+ Io-Ir—————————— (6) Co + Io-Ir Y= 1-C —————————– (7) -IS Curve Income is negatively related to interest rate. r I S 0Y Source: I. A. O. BAKARE (Fundamentals and Practice of Macroeconomics) (LM) Figure 4: IS CURVE When government spending and taxes are introduced, the following relation holds. Y= C0 +C(Y –T + R) + I0 + I(Y, r) + Go—————- (1) Where T= Taxes and Go = Autonomous government spending The slope of the IS curve is given as dr = 1-cy (1-T y) -1y

Friday, November 8, 2019

Profiles in Courage essays

Profiles in Courage essays John F. Kennedy, the author of Profiles in Courage, felt there were many politically courageous people. Kennedy seemed to define courageous as someone willing to risk one's personal assets to stand up for he believes is right and good. Eight different people, including John Quincy Adams, Thomas Benton, and Sam Houston, are illustrated in this book. Each of these people made outstanding political moves just defend one's beliefs. While some were scrutinized, others amazed the population and history was made. John Quincy Adams was the Senator of Massachesetts. He resided with the Federalist party. John showed courage when the Louisianna Purchase was an issue. Adams supported the purchase. Support of the Louisianna Purchase didn't coincide with the beliefs of the Federalist party. That didn't stop Adams from pushing to pass the purchase. The Embargo Bill was created to stop the British from taking Americans sailor without proof of citizenship (and even some with proof). Adams constituents thought the Embargo Bill would instigate another war. Support of such subject caused his party-mates and constituents to re-think their view of the Massachusetts Senator. Daniel Webster, House of Representatives member, was a Federalist and was most famous for is "Seventh of March" speech. While slavery seemed to be the main issue of the time, the speech spoke mainly of preserving the Union. Although he was opposed to slavery, he seldom brought it up in his political activities. These pressures haunted him around the time he was fighting to be re-elected. Thomas Benton was a Senator of Missouri who had negative relations with President Jackson. Benton supported the Missouri Compromise, but opposed the National Bank and slavery. Seeing how Missouri was a slave state, Thomas recieved much ridicule. This caused Benton to lose office during the next election. Sam Houston was the first Senator of Texas and a part of the Democrat p...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

5 Job Interview Tips for Shy People

5 Job Interview Tips for Shy People Got the interview? Great! But now you are so nervous you don’t think you can make it through the ordeal without hyperventilating. Your palms are already sweating. And your heart rate? Through the roof. Preparation is key. Make sure you have reviewed these tough interview questions and be ready for any questions. Here are 5 job interview tips for shy people so you can get through it. So sit back, take a deep breath, and get started.1. Bring propsHave any great visuals? Charts or graphs that track your progress or success in a previous position? Have a dossier of praise letters and awards? Bring them with. If you find yourself tongue-tied you can always hand one over to buy yourself some time.2. Make yourself a cheat sheetNothing says an interview can’t be an open book affair. Make a one-sheet of your top 10 professional achievements and keep it on hand during the interview. If you draw a blank, you’ll be back on track with one glance down into your documents. They ’ll never know you’re cribbing, particularly if you rehearse referring to these bullet points in practice interviews.3. Plan on how you’ll stallFigure out a signature phrase for yourself to buy a little time. â€Å"That’s a great question, would you mind if I took a moment to give you a more thorough answer?† is one option. Find what’s most comfortable for you.4. Get helpThere are tons of resources out there. If you can’t afford a career coach, an interview prep personal trainer, if you will, then ask a friend whose business savvy you respect to mock interview with you. Try videotaping yourself answering some standard questions and practice until it doesn’t terrify you anymore. Remember: the actual interview can’t be as bad as watching yourself on camera.5. Prepare  questions in advanceThe number one most terrifying question in an interview: â€Å"Do you have any questions for us?† Everybody freezes up a little in this moment. Come prepared. Make a list of 5 to 10  questions for every single interview, specific to those jobs. In doing so, you’ll also be doing good research into the particulars of the company and the job, and you won’t be caught with your pants down at the crucial moment. You can simply call one to mind, smile, and fire it off with confidence.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Story of my leadership Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Story of my leadership - Assignment Example He should be able to portray optimism even in the face of adversity. This type of leadership advocates for what would be referred to us intellectual stimulation. Offering a room for creativity free from a lot of red tapes predisposes leader’s followers to a greater level of confidence. The followers are able to effectively connect with their leader without fear of any punitive measures against them. In this leadership model, a leader should be able to enhance positive change among his followers. It focuses on the personality of the leader instead of the actions of the same leader. To effect change and impart it among individuals requires a lot of assertiveness which is a must trait that a leader should posses if not learn. Change may be costly to an organization if not handled in the right manner. It includes all aspects of change be it a positive change or negative change. Change involves transition and is complex in nature. Without extreme care, several factors are likely to go wrong and this is one major challenge to transformational leadership model. For change to be effective and minimize negative challenges that are most likely to occur, three dimensional aspects need to be adequately addressed. These include, inspiring and motivating those affected by change. This includes emotional motivation. Emerging factors in the post change phase and their impacts must adequately be addressed. Management of people’s actions that assist them in undertaking whatever is expected of

Friday, November 1, 2019

Influence of Parents in the Development of Children Essay

Influence of Parents in the Development of Children - Essay Example Elders expect them to 'behave'. Nature versus nurture is a catch-phrase for the roles played by heredity and environment in the development of a human being. To get into more details, first let's discuss the very meaning of both the terms. The Nature theory is based on the idea of the animal instincts. 'Nature' indicates nativism, innatism, etc.-what the children acquire from the parents. 'Nurture' means what they adopt from what they are taught, especially from outside the home. On reaching the age of two, a normal child develops the basement for a lifetime-learning. This is the period when it is 24*7, in the shield of the parents. Every parent is concerned about their kids. They want the best for their kids. They implant everything the child needs to know so as to make its future an efficient one. Thus they act as the key to their intellectual growth. Parental influences differentiate one child from the other. They are indeed, the most important educators. Their actions with the child are the most obvious ones. "Parents, who regularly talk and read to their children, usually produce children with the largest vocabularies, the highest intelligent scores, and the best academic grades" (Gottfried, Fleming &Gottfried, 1998; Ninio, 1980). Likewise, "parents who reason with their children while making requests for obedience usually end up with more civil children" (Baumrind, 1967). Now let's glance at the Nurture part. ... They learn as they grow. Depending on what they want in their lives, they develop their personalities. They find it impossible to grow up without the influence of the surroundings. Some researchers have given proofs too. "Children who spent most of their first three years in day-care centers do not differ in behavior or adjustment from children who spent that time at home" (NICHD Early Child Care Researcher Network, 1998). Judith Harris, Psychologist, points out that, a child raised by book loving parents need not be smarter than the child from opera loving parents. "Children who speak Polish or Korean at home but English with their peers end up as English speakers. The language learned outside the home takes precedence over the one their parents taught them and they speak it without an accent" (Harris, 1998). At times, Nature and Nurture creates a catch 22 situation. Nature gives us abilities. Nurture moulds them. The inheritance of the same eye color, hair color, etc. owe to the Nature. "The Nature theory takes things a step further to say that more abstract traits such as intelligence, personality, aggression and sexual orientation are also encoded in an individual's DNA", so notes Kimberly Powell, a Genealogist. American Psychologist John Watson challenges, "Give me a dozen healthy infants and my own specific world to bring them up in, and I'll guarantee to take anyone at random and train him to become any type of specialist I might select-doctor, lawyer, artist, merchant, chef and Yes, even beggar and thief, regardless of his talents, penchants, tendencies, abilities, vocations and raise of his ancestors." We have seen quite a few examples. For the proper development of a

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Development Policies and Political Evolution of Jordan Essay

Development Policies and Political Evolution of Jordan - Essay Example He has the power to appoint or dismiss the judges, amend the constitution, wage wars, and control the armed forces. He appoints the council of ministers, led by the Prime Minister, which is entrusted with the responsibility of overlooking the affairs of the country concerning general policies. The Jordanian constitution offers three types of courts – civil, religious and special, and its administration comprises of a total of twelve governorates each of which is led by a governor, who in turn is appointed by the King. The governors of each governorate are responsible for supervising and managing all the government departments as well as developmental projects in their respective regions1. Jordan, a predominantly monarchist regime, has seen the tremendous transformation on the political front in the past decade. Its transition from monarchy towards a democracy has resulted in the establishment of a multi-party system, as well as framing of revolutionary laws and policies that aimed to ensure and safeguard political freedom. Jordan aims to establish itself as a model of a modern Islamic state with humanistic values. In pursuit of its ideals and a vision to create a model framework for the social, political and economic development of their country, the Ministry for Political Development was established in the year 2003. This organization put forward a formal definition that aptly described the country’s political ideologies. It is mentioned below: â€Å"Development is a modernization process that will develop the relationship between the State and society, which will foster public stability and social peace through developing the law regulating public affairs, stimulating public participation, restructuring the public concepts of organizational and institutional structures and transforming the concepts of adjustment loyalty, transparency, accountability and participation from the theoretical stage  into the application sphere."